Thursday, November 8, 2007

Psych Hospital

I didnt work the last few days so I have had time to think about the career I find myself in. I work at an undisclosed Pschiatric Hospital. I have worked there for over 3 years and have made the rounds I worked with Pre-ads (3-12) for a short time but spent the bulk of the last 3 years on the adol unit (13-17). I recently transfered to the adult unit where believe it or not things are much more quiet then the other units. I recently cared for a patient that was in his/her mid thirties. The unique thing about theis patient is that he/she was in the Navy and had actually attented the US Naval Acadamy at Annapolis. He/She obviously had no pre existing conditions or he/she would not have been able to hold a commison or the security clearence that goes with it. To say that he/she just "had some problems" is not telling the whole truth, most nights he/she would not sleep and would just pace up and down the halls and ask the same line of questions repeatedly. He/She carried a bible not for the relious reasons you would think but the patient informed me that it was actually written by satan and "they" were trying to trick him/her. He/She would wonder out into the hallway naked and masterbate in their room with the door wide open on top of the covers. He/She would ask me from time to time if "the Admiral" was in charge of all the hospital. He/She would also get very agitated and demand to know if the Navy had put the unit together to see if he/she would talk about any classified information. This patient also believed that he was getting XM radio signall in his teeth and he could hear the music. The paranoia was very serious the he/she refused to sign anything, tore up all papers he was given and constantly asked if he/she was being recorded. Working with him/her awakened a fear in me that I am not really safe from mental illness if it had happened to him/her then why was I any different. My point is dont take anything for granted because you may wake up and be psychotic one day and you will never know the difference.

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